a film about the precarity of the UK’s freshwater system

Finite is a documentary that delves into the deep connection between the British Isles and its water resources, and how this precious resource is under threat from climate change, pollution, and over-extraction. The film explores the challenges faced by the water system and highlights the urgent need for action to protect it through insightful interviews with experts and affected communities, inspiring responsible stewardship for a finite resource.

Directors: Molly Mason + Rebekah Lowri Llewelyn

The British Isles have a deep connection with water, from the vast ocean that surrounds us to the frequent rain that nourishes the land. However, the country's water resources are under threat from climate change, pollution, and over-extraction. This documentary will focus on the challenges faced by the water system, including reservoirs, sewage, and pollution, and the impact of their decline on the environment and people's lives and livelihoods. The film will also explore the increasing demand for water and the ageing infrastructure, which has contaminated the groundwater and affected its quality and availability. Through insightful interviews with experts and affected communities, the documentary will showcase the urgent need for action to protect this precious resource. Ultimately, the film aims to raise awareness and inspire responsible stewardship of the country's water resources.

Currently in development


the year of three kings


anne boleyn - a queen condemned